
We have established worldwide relationships with institutions that span the entire range of professional hedge fund investors:

  • Family Offices

  • Private Banks

  • Private Wealth Management Firms

  • Fund-of-Funds

  • Foundations

  • Endowments

  • Pension Funds

  • Consultants

Typical client hedge fund portfolios range from $50 million to multiple billions. Of course, identifying the clients to whom we will offer a particular strategy depends on a number of factors, including suitability, investment objective, risk profile, geographical considerations and many others. We know that the quality of a fund's investor base is often-ignored but critically important and we strive to create a base of stable, long-term capital.

Investor Database. Our ability to raise capital for mangers results from the combination of our extensive knowledge of the universe of hedge fund investors and our thorough understanding of our client's needs. Over the years, we have developed a proprietary database consisting exclusively of experienced hedge fund investors and we continuously monitor the marketplace to locate new investors in the alternative space. Today, our database contains over 10,00 investment professionals at about 5,000 accounts, with extensive notes on each built over the past decade.

Sales Process. Experience, preparation and follow-up form the backbone of a process that, we believe, helps set us apart. Continuous market research enables our prospect targeting to yield greater results. Decades of asset management marketing experience increases the odds that our initial outreach leads to meaningful presentations and manager meetings. Our integrated fund-raising program includes regular status reports, online calendar management and on-going awareness campaigning.